*******There follows a list of services local and available to Kennett Village.
Click on the amber button to access information on those services ********
Teams across East Cambs are dedicated to dealing with local issues through response policing, local investigations, neighbourhood priorities and local problem solving. We are working hard to reduce crime in East Cambs, and we remain focused on maintaining relentless pressure on criminals to ensure this continues.
Ely South Policing Team
The local policing team for the villages in this area can be accessed on the following web address: East Cambs Ely South Policing Team
Looking after Ely South, we are committed to making it a safer place to live, work and visit. You can contact the team online to discuss any concerns or issues you may have – to contact the Ely South Policing team then E-Mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For more details on the Cambridgeshire Police Service and the services and information they provide you can access their main web site on: http://www.cambs.police.uk/
Cambridgeshire Fire & Rescue Service
About us
We are responsible for delivering a fire and rescue service to the 820,000 people of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
We operate from 28 fire stations which vary in status from being staffed 24/7, 365 days a year, to being completely on-call, which means firefighters are on call day and night and are alerted to incidents by a pager. The Fire Service Headquarters is based in Huntingdon and houses the senior management team, the combined fire control room, central operational teams and many of our support staff, who work in a variety of roles to support frontline activity.
We are accountable to the Fire Authority and our responsibilities as an emergency service are set out in the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004 and also the Civil Contingencies Act 2004.
There are three main strands to our emergency service role - prevention, protection and response.
Although we are always available to respond if there is a fire, we want to stop fires from happening in the first place. Our community safety work is prioritised so that we help those most at risk of a fire in the home first. TheFire Safety in the Homesection of this website gives you advice on how you can stay safe from fire. A freeHome Fire Safety Checkmay be available to you - requests are prioritised according to individual risk. We are also proactive inarson preventionandroad safety, working closely with partner organisations to achieve reductions in these areas.
It's not just in the home where fire safety is important. All non-domestic premises by law must havefire risk assessmentscarried out by the owners or responsible person within that premises to ensure that any visitors, including staff, are as protected as they can be from fire and that they could evacuate safely if there was a fire. This is part of theFire Safety Orderand our role is to offer advice, ensure premises abide by the legislation and do all they can to limit the risk of fire.
Our crews of highly trained firefighters are ready to respond in an instant. The county has a number of major trunk roads running through it, including the A1 and A14, and a large network of rural roads, so as well as responding to around 2,000 fires a year, we also attend around 500 road traffic collisions where our specialist skills and equipment are needed to free people trapped in wreckages. There are lots of other emergencies we respond to as well, from rescuing trapped people and animals, to chemical incidents and flooding. On our website, you canlearn more about the vehicles and equipment we use to deal with these different types of emergencies.
Fire Stations local to Kennett
Soham fire station - OnCall
Address: Fountain Lane, Soham CB7 5ED
Phone: 01- 480 - 444500 (headquarters).
Email: Please use our simple contact form.
Soham fire station is in the East Cambridgeshire district. It has two fire engines which are crewed by on-call firefighters.
Firefighters at Soham train for two hours each week during their training evening which is on a Thursday between 7.30pm and 9.30pm.Stations
Burwell fire station - On-call
Address: Reach Road, Burwell, Cambridgeshire, CB25 0GH
Phone: 01480 444 500 (headquarters).
Email: Please use our simple contact form.
Burwell fire station is in the East Cambridgeshire district. It has one fire engine which is crewed by on-call firefighters.
Firefighters at Burwell train for two hours each week during their training evening which is on a Thursday between 7pm and 9pm.
To find out more about the Cambridgeshire Fire and Resue Service and what information and services it provides you can access their web site athttp://www.cambsfire.gov.uk/
The Trust was created on July 1, 2006 and covers the six counties which make up the East of England - Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk and Suffolk. The Trust provides a range of services, but is best known for the 999 emergency service.
Our diverse area is spread over about 7,500 square miles and contains a mix of rural, coastal and urban areas – from Watford to Wisbech and Cromer to Canvey island. Our services are tailored to meet the needs of each community's differing environmental and medical needs.
The Trust employs around 4,000 staff and 1,500 volunteers to deal with 912,474 calls every year. In addition the Trust handles more than one million non-emergency patient journeys to and from routine hospital appointments.
We provide urgent and emergency medical care to people who call 999.
Our dedicated and skilled staff work 365 days a year, 24 hours a day to make sure patients receive the best possible care.
In this section we highlight all of the services we provide to the public and the best way to use them.
999 Service
How to call 999
In a medical emergency you should stay calm and dial 999 or 112.
We will ask for some information, including:
- Details of what is wrong and what has happened
- The exact location of the incident
- The phone number you are calling from
You will also be asked to give some extra information, including:
- If you know it, the patient's age, sex and medical history;
- Is the patient is conscious, breathing and if there is any bleeding or chest pain;
- A description of the injury and how it happened.
If it is appropriate, an ambulance response will be dispatched immediately, but you will be asked to stay on the phone so that the ambulance call-taker can give you medical advice on how best to help the patient. This will not delay the ambulance response.
How to help us
There are a number of ways you can help the ambulance responder or crew before they arrive:
- If you are in the street, stay with the patient until the ambulance or rapid response vehicle arrives.Call back if their condition or location changes
- If you are calling from home or work, get someone to open the doors and signal where the response is required
- Lock away any family pets
- If you can, write down the patient's GP's details and collect any medication they may need
- Remember to stay calm - ambulance crews are there to help and violence towards them will not be tolerated.
There are also a number of things you can do to help ambulance responders in your area:
- Check that you house number or name is clearly visible from the roadside.
- Be prepared and only dial 999 when you really need to
A traditional ambulance may not be the first vehicle to arrive on scene.It could be:
- A Community First Responder
- A single crewed response vehicle with an emergency care practitioner, paramedic or emergency medical technician
- An air ambulance
- An emergency doctor
Sometimes the patient may not need hospital treatment and an ambulance vehicle will not arrive.
Do not hesitate to call 999 in the case of a genuine life-threatening emergency, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, unconsciousness or serious bleeding.
However, there are a number of other options for less seriously ill or injured people, including:
- Visiting your local pharmacy
- Ring 111 for less urgent calls
- Visiting your local GP or NHS walk-in centre
If you believe you need to go to hospital, can you get there by car, public transport or taxi? You will not be seen any quicker at the hospital if you arrive by ambulance.
If you dial 999 for a problem which is not a genuine emergency, then you could be delaying our response to someone who is suffering from a life-threatening condition.
NHS 111 Service
NHS 111 service makes it easier for the public to access health care and information 24/7.
What is NHS 111?
NHS 111 is a telephone service. This service is provided in the east of England by a range of organisations, including the East of England Ambulance Service.
If you need urgent care there are only three numbers that you need to know:
- 999 for serious and life-threatening emergencies
- your GP surgery for every-day illness and accident
- 111 for advice, information and access to out of hours care.
When you call 111 you will be assessed, given advice and directed straightaway to the local service that can help you best – that could be an out-of-hours doctor, walk-in centre or urgent care centre, community nurse, emergency dentist or late opening chemist.
NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Calls from landlines and mobile phones are free. NHS 111 has replaced NHS Direct.
How does NHS 111 work?
Calling 111 will get you through to a team of fully trained call advisers, who are supported by experienced nurses. They will ask you questions to assess your symptoms, and give you the healthcare advice you need or direct you to the right local service.
The NHS 111 team will, where possible, book you an appointment or transfer you directly to the people you need to speak to.
They have a direct link to the ambulance service and if they think you need an ambulance, one will be sent just as quickly as if you had dialled 999.
When do you use NHS 111?
You should call 111 if:
- you need medical help soon, but it's not a 999 emergency;
- you don't know who to call for medical help or you don't have a GP to call;
- you think you need to go to A&E or another NHS urgent care service; or
- you require health information or reassurance about what to do next.
Why should you use it?
When you need health care urgently, NHS 111 will direct you straightaway to the local service that can help you best.
NHS 111 can help us take the pressure off the 999 service and local A&E departments, so that they can focus on emergency cases.
For further information on iervices and information available from the East Anglian Ambulance Service then acess their web site at :http://www.eastamb.nhs.uk/
Ash Tree Veterinary Centre – a modern purpose built, independently owned and run veterinary practice. We are based in Kentford, Newmarket in a highly accessible out of town location with extensive onsite free parking. The purpose designed facility has been built to the highest standards with no compromise made with regards to your pet's comfort and care. We have state of the art equipment and highly trained and experienced staff - with the emphasis very much on providing a traditional, caring and personal service with an aim to integrate as much as possible within the local community.
Call now to register 01638 554477, or pop to meet the team!
Click here for our online shop and take a look around!
Click here for Emergency veterinary care
Opening hours - Consultations by appointment
Monday - Friday: 8.30am - 6:00pm
Saturday - 8.30 - 12:00pm
Kennett Station
Please look under the "Transport (Trains)" Menu item for details on Train services and timetables.
Now open on Sundays from 7.30am until 12.00noon.
About the Post Office
At the Post Office our aim is to provide you with the things that are important to you – from your mail to your broadband package, your car insurance to your savings account. Whether you pop into a branch or shop online, you can be sure all your needs will be handled with care. That's the Post Office promise.
The local Post Office is located in the Kentford Village Store the address is:
Kentford Post Office & Village Stores
45 Moulton Avenue
Telephone: 01638 750392
Mobile: 07734 869873
Post Office Services are available at the following times:
Monday 09:00 - 17:30
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:30
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:30
Thursday 09:00 - 17:30
Friday 09:00 - 17:30
Saturday 09:00 - 12:00
Sunday 07:30 - 12:00
Kentford Manor Care Home
Choosing the right care home is an extremely important decision and I'd like to personally thank you for considering Kentford Manor in your search.
In an ideal location it borders both Suffolk and Cambridgeshire, Kentford Manor is a new, purpose-built, state of the art nursing care home specialising inresidential,nursing,respite, rehabilitation and memory care.
We believe it's the people who make our homes truly happy. Our dedicated team of care professionals deliver round-the-clock care of the highest standard. The general manager is a registered nurse with over 32 years of experience and is a credit to Executive Care.
I would like to extend an open invitation for you to call in at any time for a cup of tea or coffee and some homemade cake to see the quality of care that Kentford Manor offers first hand.
To find out more please access our web site at www.kentfordmanor.co.uk
The Address is :
Kentford Manor
Jeddah Way
Telephone: 01638 555 090
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In Partnership with theStaploe Education Trust
Soham Village CollegeandThe Shade Primary School
Address:Kennett Community Primary School
98 Station Road,
Telephone:01638 750386
EMail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Kennett Primary School is a small village school, which offers a quality education in a caring and friendly atmosphere. This Victorian school has been at the heart of our community since 1865. Our school caters for children aged from four to eleven in four small classes with an average of 25 children per class. From here, most children transfer toSoham Village College.
The building has been extended over the years from one classroom to the present four; including a front office/reception with added security for the children. Recent changes include the addition of the dedicated Early Years Reception Class - Saplings. This is an eco friendly building with enclosed outdoor play area for our younger children.
We are particularly proud of the new eco-classroom (Saplings) opened in September 2012. It provides a bright classroom with an exciting outdoor learning area for the reception children, a large group room for extra teaching space and is home to our After School Club. There are three classrooms, a library, a kitchen, and office spaces in the main building. The connecting School House provides a small group room, kitchen,staffroom and further staff office space.
The school has a hard surface playground along with a large shady, wooded play areawhich has a variety of outdoor climbing, balancing and play equipment. For outdoor sports we use the Kennett playing fields which are just along the road. Visitors are often surprised at how much more space there is than first impressions might suggest!Parents and friends of the school have put many hours into raising funds for the spinney and play equipment. There is also an enclosed Foundation Stage play area for the keystage 1 class.
School Vision, Values & Aims
Kennett School Pupils will be: The School provides:
Confident Challenge
Achieving Appreciation
Respectful Responsibility
Enthusiastic Equality
Secure Safety
Our welcoming school is happy, safe and fun and enables everyone to be inspired, creative learners. All members of the school respect each other, work together as a team and share achievements. We also all respect and care for our environment. Our small village school is at the heart of the local community and has many links to wider communities. It prepares all pupils for the future and ensures a love of lifelong learning.
To learn more about our school, term times, prospectus, staff, performance and curriculum go to our website at: http://www.kennett.sohamvc.org/
School History
There was no organised schooling at Kennett in the 18th century, or the early 19th. Although some of the poor wished to educate their children c. 1818 they had insufficient means. In 1841 there was a schoolmistress. In 1861 another dame school was attended by 13 boys aged from 3 to 11, and 29 girls aged from 5 to 14. In 1865 the rector William Godfrey paid £700 for the construction of a school. It was a single storeyed L-plan building, of knapped flint dressed with yellow and red gault brick. The schoolroom, 10 m. by 5 m., faced southwest, and a schoolhouse was attached. Between 1861 and 1881 the number of pupils doubled to c. 30, with the number of boys and girls being almost equal, and no mean difference in age. An uncertificated school mistress served from 1857 until 1875, and in 1891 there was a schoolmaster assisted by two mistresses.
In 1930, because of lack of funds, the church school passed under the control of the county council, and in 1937 the seniors were transferred to Chippenham school. In 1962 a modern extension was added to the school following the expansion of the village. Proposals to close the school after numbers had fallen to 26 in 1982 were defeated by the inhabitants of Kennett with help from the Small Schools National Association. In 1989 there were 49 pupils, two thirds of them coming from neighbouring parishes in Suffolk, particularly Kentford. In 2000 the school had 60 pupils and three full-time teachers.
Li brary
The Mobile Library stops at the junction of Church Lane and Dane Hill Road ( Postcode CB8 7RA) on the first Thursday of every month. It is there between 10:30am and 10:55 am. See the map below for the location:
For further information on Cambridgeshire libraries and the services and information they provide then visit their web site at : www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/info/20010/libraries
If you are not sure about usimg a computer or not sure about sending E-mails, creating documents and lots of other things then Cambridgeshire Libraries has provided a series of online guides at: digitalunite.com It's free and has some very useful articles - give it a try!!!!!!
Newmarket Community Hospital ( No Emergency Services)
Newmarket Community Hospital provides:
- Out-Patient Clinics
- Outreach clinics for Addenbrookes and West Suffolk Hospital Consultants,
- Phlebotomy/Blood Tests,
- X-Ray and Radiology Dept,
- Ante-natal clinics,
- Community Dental Clinics,
- Rehabilitation Ward and more.
Who to contact
Address: Newmarket Community Hospital,
56 Exning Road
Telephone: 01638 558400
Other details
PALS (Patient advice and liaison service)
You can talk to PALS who provide confidential advice and support to patients, families and their carers, and can provide information on the NHS and health related matters.
For main switchboard - 01638 564000
For Outpatients - 01638 564004
For Inpatients - 01638 564018
Age Groups: Adults
Accessibility Details: Wheelchair Access, Disabled Parking, Adapted Toilets
Free On-site & disabled parking.
Website:West Suffolk Community Hospitals
West Suffolk Hospital
Address: West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust
Hardwick Lane
Bury St Edmunds
IP33 2QZ,
Main Switchboard: 01284 713000
Website: West Suffolk Hospital
Ward Contact Numbers
Ward Telephone Number Ward Telephone Number
F1 01284 713717 G1 01284 713234
F3 01284 713133 G3 01284 713352
F4 01284 713290 G4 01284 713576
F5 01284 713262 G5 01284 713574
F6 01284 713264 G8 01284 713185
F7 01284 712661 CCU 01284 713332
F8 01284 713541/713046 DSU 01284 713050
F9 01284 713145 EAU 01284 712661
F10 01284 713355 HDU 01284 712659
F11 01284 713216 ITU 01284 713128
F12 01284 712651 Neo Natal Unit (NNU) 01284 713251
F14 01284 713235/713236
About Us
West Suffolk Hospital is a vibrant, friendly and accessible hospital set in a 19-hectare parkland site on the edge of Bury St Edmunds. It has around 430 beds open at any one time and serves a population of around 275,000 within area of approximately 600 square miles.
In addition, the hospital treats patients living outside this area who actively choose to be referred to us.
Shops and Restaurants
Just beyond the main entrance you will find a W H Smith concession, Friends of WSH shop and the Courtyard Café offering a variety of good value refreshments in a relaxed environment. Our staff restaurant – Time Out – is located on the first floor.
Education Centre & Library
The Education Centre houses two lecture theatres, meeting and training rooms, and the WSFT library which offers a wide range of resources, books, journals and electronic information.
Please see our Car Parking section.
Getting Here
Please see our Getting to the hospital section.
Outpatient Services
Outpatient services in the community provided by West Suffolk Foundation Trust (WSFT) give convenient local access to consultant-led clinics.
Services currently operate at:
- Newmarket Community Hospital
- Haverhill Health Centre
- Thetford Healthy Living Centre
- Stowmarket Health Centre
- Walnuttree and St Leonards Hospitals, Sudbury
- Botesdale Health Clinic
- Mildenhall Clinic
Our Pledges to You
"At West Suffolk Hospital we promise to put you first"
Our commitment to every one of our patients, every day, wherever you are treated is to do our best to ensure...
- You feel safe, in a clean and comfortable environment, with highly professional staff who work together to ensure you are in safe hands
- You feel cared for , with a courteous and respectful attitude, from kind and helpful staff, who have the time to listen to you and keep you informed at every step
- You feel confident in your treatment, provided by skilled and compassionate teams who will involve you in your care and who understand your time is valuable
The following documents show the pledges we have made publically on a number of key issues:
For further information on the services we provide and how we provide them visit our website: West Suffolk Hospital
Local Doctors
Doctors are available at two local Practices : Red Lodge and Newmarket
Doctors Practice in Red Lodge
The Reynard Surgery is the Doctors surgery serving the Red Lodge area. Healthcare and wellbeing are forefront in most peoples mind.
Reynard Surgery
Address: Turnpike Road,
Red Lodge,
Bury St Edmunds,
IP28 8LB
Telelephone: 01638 552 211
Beazley Dr P M C
Tel:01638 552 211
Hopkinson Dr G P
Tel:01638 552 211
Hutton Dr R A
Tel:01638 552 211
Opening Hours
Monday 08:30 - 12:00.
Monday 15:00 - 18:00.
Tuesday 08:30 - 12:00.
Wednesday 08:30 - 12:00.
Wednesday 15:00 - 18:00.
Thursday 08:30 - 12:00.
Friday 08:30 - 12:00.
Saturday Closed.
Sunday Closed.
Doctors Practice in Newmarket
Address: Orchard House Surgery
Fred Archer Way
Telephone: 01638 666887 (Appointments - Answerphone after hours)
Telephone: 01638 663322 (Orchard House Surgery Emergencies)
Telephone: 01638 666887 (Answerphone after hours)
Telephone: 111 (Out of hours service)
Contact Hours: Monday to Friday 8am - 6.30pm
Clinics and Services
- Health Promotion
- Diabetic Clinic
- Asthma Clinics
- Well Woman Clinics and Cervical Smears
- Well Man Clinics
- Family Planning
- Repeat Prescriptions
- Foreign Travel
- Maternity Care
- Practice Nurses
- Travel Health Advice
- Flu Vaccinations
- Blood Pressure Machine & Health Checks
- Non NHS Fees
- SMS Text Messaging
For further information and details on the services we provide and the members of our practice please access our website at:http://www.orchardhousesurgery.co.uk
Useful Telephone Numbers
NEWMARKET HOSPITAL | 01638 558400 |
WEST SUFFOLK HOSPITAL | 01284 713000 |
EVELYN HOSPITAL | 01223 303336 |
CAMBRIDGE LEA | 01223 237474 |
ARTHUR RANK HOSPITAL | 01223 245926 |
ST NICHOLAS HOSPICE | 01284 766133 |
NEWMARKET POLICE | 01638 662211 |
HEALTH VISITORS (Ansaphone) | 01638 667749 |
DISTRICT NURSES (SUFFOLK) | 01638 663666 |
DISTRICT NURSES (CAMBS) | 01638 561129 |
DENTAL SERVICE (OUT OF HOURS) | 0300 130 3066 |
SOCIAL SERVICES (SUFFOLK) | 01638 663438 |
SOCIAL SERVICES (CAMBS) | 01223 812641 |
RELATE | 01284 76305 |
SAMARITANS | 01223 64455 |
DRUG ADVISORY SERVICE | 01284 762377 |